Ahhh, last night was Michael Schenker at Eddie Trunks radio show. I filmed the interview, and I am not gonna lie- as much as I would love to say he was a drunken asshole, he was anything but! Totally sober, looked young (would), and was friendly. Basically set the record straight on a few things- he doesnt play Scorps material live when he is with a solo band. He likes to play songs live that were created by the band playing them. So, that being said, he would play Scorps material as long as he was with the Scorps onstage. Other news was that he said he was offered to try out for the Rolling Stones and Ozzy, but didnt accept either because the music's not his own. His favorite part is creating the songs so he doesnt see the appeal in playing someone else's music. Hmmm, whatelse... he pretty much denied ever being the reason for all his canceled shows. ::coughBullShitcough:: Also, he looks hot now (in a Hitlers dream child sorta way).

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