Whitesnake came out looking bizarre. Yes, David Coverdale technically looks healthy and fit for a man who is nearly 60, but something about him reminded me a bit of a lesbian version of Raquel Welch, and his face was tighter than the bass drum. Still, I know 'its all about the music, brutha', and I got to say- his voice sounded damn good. I've never been a massive Whitesnake fan, although I do respect the little Robert Plant-Jr., and John Sykes is a brilliant guitarist. The set was short though- about 60 minutes- and although they did manage to fit a lot of their big hits into this, they also had 2 long solos, one guitar and one drums. It seemed strange to include these since time was pressed and I'd imagine the Whitesnake fans in the audience would rather see as many songs as possible. Still, it went over well. Songs they played included: a new version of 'Lay Down Your Love', 'Still Of The Night', 'Here I Go Again', 'Bad Boys', "Give Me All Your Love', and "Slow And Easy'.
Up next wa sthe Metal God and co. themselves. Judas fucking Priest. It was no secrect that this tour was all about the 25th annivery of British Steel. So, when Priest came to stay (Halford decked out in his 'denim' outfit'), everyone new and sang along as they broke into 'Rapid Fire'. This is really heavy, amazing stuff. I've managed to see Priest quiet a few times since Halford got back with them and Ripper left, but being a young fan tonight was the night I got to see a lot of songs that I never heard before live. 'You Don't Have To Be Old To Be Wise' & 'Grinder' sounded amazing, but my favorite of the night was 'The Rage', which was heavier and more intense than even on the album.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not complaining about the British Steel part of the show (it was certainly my favorite part), but I did notice that Halford more of less stood dead center and didnt move at all. Considering a bunch of the songs they haven't played live in 20 years, I dont think it's crazy to assume he may have been looking down and reading lyrics a bit. Who knows though, because Halford basically always has just stood centerstage and headbanged forward as he sang.
Next up was the encore.... Coming out on his staple motorcycle and covered in leather and studs, the boys sang 'FREE WHEEL BURNING', which they NEVER sing live, or on the bike. Very fucking cool. They also snuck a few more hits in- 'Rock Hard Ride Free', 'You Got Another Thing Comin' (duh), 'Victom of Changes' and 'Diamonds are Rust'.
Didnt see a single person walk out of the venue unsatisfied.
Judas Priest Judas Priest
Judas Priest
Judas Priest
Judas Priest
Judas Priest
Judas Priest
Judas Priest
Judas Priest
Judas Priest
Judas Priest
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