Today is my dad's bday so it made me think of some famous fathers in metal.
Nicholas Cage: Nick's son went Scandanavian on us and formed the black metal band, Eyes of Noctum. I hear they are complete shit live. I'm seeing them in a few Mondays from now (because they are opening for Urgehal) and I will let you know how it is.
Ozzy: Both Jack and Kelly are known to the world, but it's because of a BS reality show. At least Kelly had a hit single or two, but in this case I am not sure having a famous father helped or hurt.
Steven Harris: Lauren Harris may be the luckiest girl on the planet. She got to open for her dad's band last year. I'm jealous. Her voice isn't bad, but musically it's not my thing.
Eddie Van Halen: Did I just call Lauren Harris lucky? Well, Eddie's son Wolfgang blows her luck out of the water. He didn't just open for his dad's band, he got to play in them. I think there is no one on the planet that doesn't know by know that Wolfgang Van Halen took over Michael Anthony's spot on bass last VH tour, and that's what makes him so lucky.

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