Oct 13, 2009

As the Anthrax Turns

I was so sad when all the drama with Anthrax was over.  Well, I am glad to announce that it is still lingering on- Dan Nelson gave an interview with Classic Rock magazine and gave some really golden quotes.  The interviewer was a real pussy, though and never asked about the dumping rumor.  That is why he should have done the interview with me.

Classic Rock: Let's start with the claim from Anthrax that they had to cancel some shows earlier this year, because you told them you were seriously ill.

Dan Nelson: Not true. I never said anything like that. The band decided to pull those dates, and then tried to blame me. I was ready to play the summer shows in Europe and do the Slipknot tour in America after that.

Classic Rock: Anthrax guitarist Scott Ian says that you quit the band, and they accepted your resignation. Is that what happened?

Dan Nelson: I did not quit Anthrax. They fired me, and I only found out about it on the internet. [This is worse than texting, but who knows which side of the sotry is true.  Not me, I'll tell ya that.]

Classic Rock: Why did they do that? Was there an obvious problem between you and the rest of the band?

Dan Nelson: Not that I was aware of. [Except for that time I shat on the upperdeck of the toilet on the bus...?  Was that rumor true?  If so, hilarious.] I thought things were going really well. A lot of people commented that this was the best Anthrax lineup they'd ever seen. Scott himself said I was the best singer he'd worked with — bar none. So, I don't know what was in their minds. I haven't spoken to any of them since July anyway.

Classic Rock: How do you feel now about the band?

Dan Nelson: Look, I'm not at all bitter, and I hold no grudges. It's their band and they have a right to do whatever they want. I genuinely wish them nothing but success.  They're family men who made a career decision, and I hope ANTHRAX gone on to great things. I feel what they now have to do is get back with John Bush — it's the best option for them.

Classic Rock: What happens to Worship Music, the album you recorded with them? Will it ever come out?

Dan Nelson: I don't know. I hope so, because I really [want to get paid] think it's a strong record. But nothing can happen with it without my permission. I co-wrote all the songs on it, mostly with Charlie.

Classic Rock: You've now moved on, and have a new project with Testament drummer Paul Bostaph. How did that come about?
Dan Nelson: Paul saw me playing with Anthrax in Amsterdam earlier in the year, and when he heard I was free, he contacted me [because I am that awesome]. We met up, and things have gone from there.

Classic Rock: What's the style of the band?

Dan Nelson: It's thrashy and heavy, so will appeal to Anthrax and Testament fans. But has the groove and brutality of Pantera, and is also very melodic.  The guitarist is a kid from the Bay Area named Jeremy Epp, who's an unknown, but sensational.  People are gonna love him. We're currently auditioning bassists, [I hear Dave Ellefson needs work] and once we have the right person in place, we'll get ourselves a name, demo some songs and take it from there. 

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